About Us
We are a community of people who seek to discover, receive, and disseminate the extravagant grace and love of God. We find in the person of Jesus a beautiful incarnation of the grace and love of God, and we seek to embody the life of Jesus by following his example and living by his teachings. As followers of Jesus, we desire to:
Love God, love our neighbors, love ourselves, and even love our enemies which always involves the grace of forgiveness
Welcome everyone by practicing hospitality and inclusion for all people regardless of personal history, race, religion, sexual orientation, disability, or ethnicity
Practice authenticity by embracing vulnerability and humility about our humanity, our weaknesses, and our true self
Provide a community of love for prodigals and misfits who have honest struggles with questions, doubts, and disbelief on our journey of faith
Value all faith traditions and perspectives in order learn from all people of faith
Integrate our faith and theology with insights gained from the fields of science including evolution, neuroscience, mental health, and psychology
Serve others in all realms of life according to our gifts, talents, and skills
Practice social justice on behalf of the poor, the planet, the marginalized, and the oppressed
We hope you will join us on this adventure of faith.
LWCC is a casual “come as you are” atmosphere.
Our services run about one hour in length.
Living Water Christian Church is recognized as an Open and Affirming Congregation by The Disciples LGBTQ+ Alliance.