Living Water held its first worship service on Easter Sunday, 2004, at a temporary location led by the founding Pastor Laura Guy. In the spring of 2005, LWCC moved into its permanent home in Parkville, Missouri by way of the generous offer of the building to the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) New Church Commission.
In the spring of 2008, Living Water needed to add another service to make room for the people who were coming. In the spring of 2014, we launched our first building campaign to raise money in order to create additional space for worship and hospitality. We broke ground in 2017 and held our first service in the new sanctuary in time to celebrate Easter in April, 2019. In 2023 Fred Herron was hired as the second Lead Pastor of Living Water Christian Church.
LWCC exists to offer Christ’s living water to spiritually thirsty people, and then help them become bearers of that living water to others.
LWCC exists to see lives transformed in a caring, Christian community where issues of life and faith are addressed with honesty, integrity, and Christian hope, and where the power and love of God is experienced in worship, study, service, and outreach.
LWCC Core values
In addition to the core values held by all Disciples of Christ churches (see below), we also affirm the values of:
Purpose - We exist for those outside the church. Whatever we do as a body of Christ must always reflect a desire to reach out to those who have not yet experienced God’s reconciling love.
Faith - We will walk by faith, and not by sight. Using prayer and discernment, we will follow where the Holy Spirit leads us, even if it means changing and giving up something we like.
Integrity - We must model and embody the message we speak. This is not a call to perfection, but a call to consistently strive to be made new in Christ.
Creativity - God, the original Artist, has also made us creative beings. We will worship and serve with our creative gifts.
Intention - We will each discover and use our spiritual gifts to their fullest measure for the good of the body of Christ and the world. The call to proclaim the Good News is too important to do half-heartedly or on our own power. We will offer God the best we have, as individuals and a church.
Welcome - We welcome the full inclusion of all God’s children in worship, service, fellowship, and leadership regardless of age, race, gender, or sexual orientation.
DOC Core Values
Like most Christians, Disciples affirm:
Jesus Christ is the son of the Living God, and offers saving grace to all.
All persons are God’s beloved children.
Beliefs and practices usually associated with Disciples include:
Open Communion - The Lord’s Supper, or Communion, is celebrated in weekly worship. It is open to all who wish to receive.
Freedom of belief - Disciples are called together around one essential of faith: belief in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Persons are free to follow their consciences guided by the Bible, the Holy Spirit, study, and prayer, and are expected to extend that freedom to others.
Baptism by immersion - In baptism the old self-centered life is set aside, and a new life of trust in God begins. Although Disciples practice believer baptism by immersion (also know as “dunking”), other kinds of baptisms (infant baptism, sprinkling) are honored.
Belief in the oneness of the church - All Christians are called to be one in Christ and to seek opportunities for common witness and service.
The ministry of believers - Both ministers and lay persons lead in worship, service and spiritual growth.
12411 Tom Watson Pkwy, Kansas City, MO 64152
Services Times
Sundays - 10AM
(816) 891 7200